Letter from the Commander
Greetings All,
I hope you all had a wonderful summer and a good boating season for those of you who are boaters.
As most of you may already know, I have served as the Commander of the New London Power Squadron for 2 years now and looks like I will be taking a 3rd term. I enjoy the position that I hold, but recent events have had us a bit disheveled.
Unfortunately we have lost our way with membership, as well as Meetings, and our Yardarm Newsletter; however our Education officer and his assistants are doing a wonderful job in teaching the ABC Boating Courses, and many seminars. Bill Gaynor who is also a member of our squadron, along with the Commodore of the Shennecossett Yacht club have been graciously hosting our squadron to allow us a wonderful area to teach these classes and Seminars. We have had wonderful turn outs. Our ABC boating courses are now taught as a one day class and many people seem to really like that idea.
Our squadron has lost our Newsletter publisher, as well as a couple officers on our bridge, although these areas are somewhat tedious to correct, I know that as a squadron we can come together and get these tasks handled. If any of you may be interested or know of someone who knows how to put together a newsletter and would possibly be interested in helping our squadron, and publishing ours, please let me know. I can be reached at kim.boswell08@gmail.com, or on my cell at 860-933-9875, or home at 860-774-4048.
I still today don’t know who many of you are, and I would love to have a membership meeting that would allow me to meet more of my squadron
Members. As well as Having my Assistant Education Officer/District Education officer Anthony Salzarulo update you all as to the many changes that are going on.
For those of you who do not know there have been a lot of changes through the DEEP with the Boating Laws and boating License requirements in regards to Emily’s Law. Emily’s Law was signed into law by the Governor of our State and it took Effect on Oct 1st. If any of you would be interested in coming to a dinner membership meeting, and meeting other members of the squadron as well as myself, and hearing of the changes coming down the pike, please let me know.
We may be a small squadron of only 50 members; we however keep pushing forward with our educating of the public. That in fact is what we do, that is what the United States Power Squadron stands for, teaching boating safety to the public to make our waters safer, and to try to the people whom enjoy it daily safer too with proper boating instruction. Chris and I welcomed 6 friends of ours into our Salt life this summer and 2 of the couples actually got their first boats this summer, and will be taking the ABC Course with our Squadron this winter, and Soon we will have 6 new members coming into our squadron and I am going to put a emphasis on keeping them and getting them involved. As long as I am your commander and we have people willing to keep teaching the public that is what our squadron shall do because Boating Education is highly important.
Until next tide Change, Be Safe
Kim T. Boswell, S
New London Squadron Commander